Yes, Activism Is More Important Than General Elections

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Aaron Wysocki0 Comments


America is in a general election frenzy. It matters, but it’s not the be-all-end-all of politics. In fact, most change historically comes from the bottom up, via social movements. Also, primaries are more important than general elections. Cenk Uygur,host of The Young Turks, breaks it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

“Our Ultimate Goal:

To restore true, representative democracy in the United States by pressuring our State Legislators to pass a much needed Free and Fair Elections Amendment to our Constitution. There are only 2 ways to amend our Constitution: (1) Go through Congress (single digit approval rating) or (2) Go through our State Legislators via an amendment proposing convention.

Wolf PAC believes that we can no longer count on our Federal Government to do what is in the best interest of the American people due to the unfettered amount of money they receive from outside organizations to fund their campaigns. We point to the failure of the Disclose Act as rock solid evidence that this would be a total waste of our time, effort, and money. We also point to the recent decision by the US Supreme Court to not even hear a case filed by Montana claiming it did not have to abide by Citizens United, as proof that state legislation is not a sufficient measure to solve this problem. We believe that we have no choice but to put an amendment in the hands of our State Legislators, who are not, at this moment in time, completely blinded by the influence of money, and might actually do what 96% of the country wants – take away the massive influence that money has over our political process.“*

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