Visit this page using the device you want to use for podcasting.

Web Browsers

Temporary Instructions During New Migration

Some of the short cuts to subscribe to the podcast are not working, so please be patient. You will have to subscribe to the members podcast by copying a long URL from and pasting it into the proper area on your iTunes or other podcasting app. Your unique subscription feed URL looks something like this: A good technique is to use a desktop or laptop computer, get your unique podcast feed URL, copy it and paste it into an email to yourself. Then go to your mobile device, open that email, and copy the long string. Then go to your podcasting application, find the area where you can manually subscribe to a podcast, and paste the URL there. OR….

  1. Login to TYT as a paying member using your device browser
  2. Go to the Podcast page using the same device browser
  3. Copy the unique URL for the show you want to podcast (each show has its own unique URL)
  4. Paste the show’s unique URL into your app using their manual Add a Podcast instructions
  5. Each of the hundreds of podcast apps is different–TYT cannot support you on using your app
  6. If this doesn’t work, try again but take the s out of the https in the long podcast URL.


iOS – Disregard for Now

  1. Install a Working Podcast App*
  2. Login to TYT as a paying member using your device browser
  3. Go to the Podcast page using the same device browser
  4. Click the Subscribe to RSS icon 
  5. OR the get it on iTunes, click the iTunes icon Get_it_on_iTunes_Badge_US_1114


  1. Login to TYT as a paying member using your device browser
  2. Go to the Podcast page using the same device browser
  3. Click the get it on iTunes icon Get_it_on_iTunes_Badge_US_1114

Android or MS Device

  1. Install a Working Podcast App*
  2. Login to TYT as a paying member using your device browser
  3. Go to the Podcast page using the same device browser
  4. Click the Subscribe to RSS icon

Web Browsers

  1. Install a Working Podcast App*
  2. Login to TYT as a paying member using your web browser
  3. Go to the Podcast page using the same devicebrowser
  4. Click the Subscribe to RSS icon

What if these do not work?

If your app will not subscribe to the podcast then you must go to the podcast page and use the unique URL for the show you want to podcast.

  1. Login to TYT as a paying member using your device browser
  2. Go to the Podcast page using the same device browser
  3. Copy the unique URL for the show you want to podcast (each show has its own unique URL)
  4. Paste the show’s unique URL into your app using their manual Add a Podcast instructions
  5. Each of the hundreds of podcast apps is different–TYT cannot support you on using your app


What if the manual Add a Podcast doesn’t work?

Some podcast apps accept HTTPS at the beginning of the unique podcast URL.
Some podcast apps accept HTTP only in the URL.
Try removing the “S” so that the URL has HTTP.

What if I see: The link is not associated to a webpage

When you see this message then your device doesn’t have an app associated with the type of link…


A. There’s no feedreader or podcast app installed on the device,


B. There is an app but the device doesn’t know it should use that app for podcasts or feeds.

I see code instead of a podcast or feed

Check out this solution