Is “Thighbrow” The New Thigh Gap?

The latest trend on Instagram is #thighbrow…but what is it anyway? John and Hannah discuss.

5 Tattoos Even Tattoo Artists Refuse To Do

There are some tattoos that are so bad even tattoo artist refuse to give them. John Iadarola and Hannah Cranston discuss some pretty horrible tattoos. Have you ever tried to get a tattoo that an artist refused to do?

The Dangerous New Drug Flakka: What You Need To Know About It!

A new, dangerous drug called flakka is on the streets. So what is it, and what does it do? Here’s how to sound smart about flakka.

The Weirdest Ways Animals Sleep

Some animals sleep in some pretty weird ways. John Iadarola and Hannah Cranston discuss animals with strange sleeping behaviors. How many hours of sleep do you get a night?

How Men And Women Vote Differently

This is one of the most divisive elections in American history, and that can clearly be seen on gender lines. John and Hannah show you how men and women vote differently.

5 Things Non-Americans Find Funny About The States

Non-Americans find somethings very strange about the US. John and Hannah show you five things that non-Americans find funny about The States. Let us know if you think there is anything funny about American culture.