Establishment Reacts To Justice Democrats

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Aaron Wysocki3 Comments


A writer for NBC News wrote about the Justice Democrats movement and he was pretty condescending. Cenk Uygur, the host of The Young Turks, tell you why he is wrong. Tell us what you think in the comment section below. Support Justice Democrats:


  1. I was a loyal supporter of Hillary Clinton. I made thousands of calls supporting her campaign. The fact that we lost to Trump was a grave disappointment to me, but not a complete surprise. After talking with my right wing family members I realized there was a big problem. I was angry with Bernie Sanders for criticizing her support from corporate donors and that she lacked integrity because of it. Bernie helped her after the primaries, but I noticed that the established democrats fought against his platform changes and did not utilize progressives to help them and were insulting them as being naive.
    I agree with you that policy is king. We need to stand up for our principles and support those that stand with us. The losses we sustained during the 2014 elections need to be reversed in 2018. Its important to regain seats in the Senate. We need to push for the House much harder and I believe with sustained effort this can be achieved.
    The primaries are unbelievably important to place candidates that hold true to our values are in the running for the general elections. We should field candidates running for every office regardless of how bleak the odds of winning.

  2. We need more of this analysis, Cenk. Well done. Instead of the constant diatribes against Trump on the main show, we need more of this type of reporting. The establishment Dems who forced a corrupt and incompetent Hillary Clinton on us, are more pernicious than Trump.

  3. All the democrats are blue dogs that’s why they lose, they’re disgusting corporate money grubbers. Lets go justice democrats and get all the Dems out! Cenk , nice job, they wouldn’t be writing an article if they weren’t scared. The big fight is coming, Lets Go

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