Trump Says He Doesn’t Want Poor People Working In His Cabinet

In Articles by The Ring of Fire Network2 Comments

At a speech on Wednesday, Donald Trump defended his decision to hire millionaires and billionaires to work in his cabinet by saying that he just “doesn’t want poor people” working for him.  He believes that rich people are doing these jobs because they love the country, not because they want the money, and poor people are apparently just wanting these jobs to enrich themselves. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. 


  1. Here’s an idea, let’s hire homeless people who have failed at everything in their life to be in the presidents cabinet. Would that make you asshole Liberals feel all warm and fuzzy inside. You people are fucking stupid with your petty world view. Specifically about the article, it was a stupid answer to a stupid fucking question and there you have it. Great media coverage by the MSM once again dumbing down America.

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